In the following :
the COMPANY means the company:
i-Tego SAS
SIRET: 901 205 583 00023 RCS Sedan
Address of headquarters :
i-Tego SAS
6, place de la Gare
08000 Charleville-Mézières
Contact :
Without further clarification, the USER designates any Internet user accessing the i-Tego sites or the applications distributed using the i-Tego SaaS service, whether or not he is an end user or not, subscriber or not.
Any use is made at the risk and peril of the USER. THE COMPANY offers no guarantee and denies all liability for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use of this website, the applications made available or the documentation.
The documentation has no contractual value. Although we strive for accuracy, documentation, specifications and operation may not be mutually in accordance and may vary without constituting a breach of our obligations.
The COMPANY has no obligation to maintain the service in all circumstances or indefinitely. THE COMPANY reserves the right to make changes to the design or technical operation of the site and applications.
No compensation or repair can be due by the COMPANY to USERS or to third parties whatever the cause.
USER’s commitment
The USER undertakes to make good use of the application, to respect netiquette and the law. The publisher reserves the right to prohibit the access of a USER that he considers not to respect the good use of the Internet or to block any device making abusive connections or using the application in an abusive manner. In these circumstances, the publisher may delete the account, the subscriptions then being lost. This without warning or justification and without compensation of any kind. The same effects can result from the action of automatic protection devices.
This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
The publisher claims copyright on all texts and software on this site.
i-Tego is a registered trademark.
Publisher Information
– Site editor: L’ENTREPRISE.
– Hosting on a private server located in France rented from OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
– Editorial manager: The site editor.
Purpose and scope of the processing of personal data
The identification on this site is delegated to the OIDC authentication server integrated into the i-Tego SaaS system.
No personal data is handled outside this server (in particular by applications distributed using i-Tego SaaS).
THE COMPANY only uses personal data for the purposes of communication with the SUBSCRIBER.
The personal data provided by the SUBSCRIBER when registering are visible in the section "My account" by their sole owner after qu ’he identified himself. The SUBSCRIBER can thus access his personal data at any time and rectify them, or even delete them, which will cause de facto the deletion of the account and all of the data attached to it, therefore the permanent loss of the subscriptions.
In addition to the data mentioned above, the server maintains a connection history including in particular the IP address of the connection of the USER as well as the information relating to his browser, this being in compliance with the legal requirements and the rules of the ’art.
See: i-Tego SaaS Legal Notice.
Data retention
The data is saved at the server level mentioned above. They are saved on this server as well as on another storage means at the same host, responsible for the application of the GDPR at its level. The backups are also copied and kept on a COMPANY site. The data is kept for the periods defined by law.
THE COMPANY undertakes to protect the privacy of all personal data. THE COMPANY does not accumulate or combine any data and does not communicate any information to third parties, whether it is personal data or data collected by applications.
We would like to place limited lifespan cookies on your computer. These cookies do not allow us to identify you; they do not record any personal information or information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site, but simply data allowing the management of the continuity of navigation on the site (PHP, SPIP, OIDC sessions). Note that this type of cookie does not require your prior consent, as they are not "tracking cookies". We inform you that it is your responsibility to oppose the registration of cookies by configuring your browser. However, this will cause malfunctions.